Comparison Operation



抽象操作isCallable接受参数argument(es type value),并且返回一个Boolean

其判定如果 argument 是一个调用的函数(具有[[Call]]的内部插槽方法),执行以下步骤:

  1. if argument is not Object, return false
  2. if argument has a [[Call]] internal method, return true
  3. return false


import { ESValueType } from "../modules/types/valueType";
// host environment eg. nodejs or browser
const documentAll = typeof document === 'object' && document.all;
// IsHTMLDDA-internal-slot and IsLooselyEqual and ToBoolean
const IsHTMLDDA = typeof documentAll == 'undefined' && documentAll === 'undefined';
export function IsCallable(argument: ESValueType): boolean {
if(IsHTMLDDA) return typeof argument === 'function' || argument === documentAll;
return typeof argument === 'function';





抽象操作isStrictlyEqual接受参数 x(ECMAScript语言值)和y(ECMAScript语言值)并返回布尔值或者throw completion。 它为===运算符提供了语义。


  1. If Type(x) is not Type(y), return false.
  2. If x is a Number, then a. Return Number::equal(x, y).
  3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).


export function isStrictlyEqual(x: ESValueType, y: ESValueType): boolean {
if(typeof x !== typeof y) return false;
if(typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number') {
return numberEqual(x, y);
return sameValueNonNumber(x as Omit<ESValueType, 'number'>, y as Omit<ESValueType, 'number'>);


抽象操作isLooselyEqual接受参数 x(ECMAScript语言值)和 y(ECMAScript语言值)并返回布尔值或者throw completion


  • Type(x) is Type(y), then
  • If x is null and y is undefined, return true
  • If x is undefined and x is null, return true
  • Note: internal Slot
    • If x is an Object, x has an [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot, and y is either undefined or null, return true
    • If x is either undefined or null, y is an Object, and y has an [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot, return true
  • If x is a Number and y is a String, return !isLooselyEqual(x, !ToNumber(y))
  • If y is a Number and x is a String, return !isLooselyEqual(y, !ToNumber(x))
  • If x is a BigInt and y is a String, then
    • Let n be StringToBigInt(y)
    • if n is undefined, return false
    • Return !isLooselyEqual(x, n)
  • If x is a String and y is a BigInt, return !isLooselyEqual(y, x)
  • If x is a Boolean, return !isLooselyEqual(!ToNumber(x), y)
  • If y is a Boolean, return !isLooselyEqual(!ToNumber(y), x)
  • If x is either a String, a Number, a BigInt, or a Symbol and y is an Object, return !isLooselyEqual(x, ?ToPrimary(y))
  • If y is either a String, a Number, a BigInt, or a Symbol and x is an Object, return !isLooselyEqual(?ToPrimary(x), y)
  • If x is a BigInt and y is a Number, or if x is a Number and y is a BigInt, then
    • if x is not finite and y is not finite, return false
    • if ℝ(x) = ℝ(y), return true; otherwise return false.
  • Return false


抽象操作SameValue接受参数 x(ECMAScript语言值)和x - ECMAScript语言值并返回布尔值。 它决定了这两个参数是否是相同的值。调用时,它会执行以下步骤:

  1. If Type(x) is not Type(y), return false.
  2. If x is a Number, then a. Return Number::sameValue(x, y).
  3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).


export function sameValue(x: ESValueType, y: ESValueType): boolean {
if(typeof x !== typeof y) return false;
if(typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number') {
return numberSameValue(x, y);
return sameValueNonNumber(x as Omit<ESValueType, 'number'>, y as Omit<ESValueType, 'number'>);

numberSameValue 又名sameValue


抽象操作sameValueNonNumber接受参数 x(除Number类型) - ECMAScript语言值y(除Number类型) - ECMAScript语言值并返回布尔值。 调用时,它会执行以下步骤:

  1. Assert: Type(x) is Type(y).
  2. If x is either null or undefined, return true.
  3. If x is a BigInt, then a. Return BigInt::equal(x, y).
  4. If x is a String, then a. If x and y have the same length and the same code units in the same positions, return true; otherwise, return false.
  5. If x is a Boolean, then a. If x and y are both true or both false, return true; otherwise, return false.
  6. NOTE: All other ECMAScript language values are compared by identity.
  7. If x is y, return true; otherwise, return false.


export function sameValueNonNumber(x: Omit<ESValueType, 'number'>, y: Omit<ESValueType, 'number'>) {
// Assert: Type(x) is Type(y).
if (typeof x !== typeof y) {
throw new Error("Type of x must be the same as the type of y");
// If x is either null or undefined, return true.
if (x === null || x === undefined) {
return true;
// If x is a BigInt, then return BigInt::equal(x, y).
if (typeof x === 'bigint') {
return BigInt.equal(x, y); // Assuming BigInt has an equal method
// NOTE: All other ECMAScript language values are compared by identity.
// If x is y, return true; otherwise, return false.
return x === y


抽象操作SameValueZero接受参数 x - ECMAScript语言值x - ECMAScript语言值并返回布尔值。 它决定了两个参数是否是相同的值(忽略+0F-0F之间的差异)。调用时,它会执行以下步骤:

  1. If Type(x) is not Type(y), return false.
  2. If x is a Number, then a. Return Number::sameValueZero(x, y).
  3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).
export function sameValue(x: ESValueType, y: ESValueType): boolean {
if(typeof x !== typeof y) return false;
if(typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number') {
return numberSameValue(x, y);
return sameValueNonNumber(x as Omit<ESValueType, 'number'>, y as Omit<ESValueType, 'number'>);

numberSameValue 又名sameValue

sameValueNonNumber 是非数值类型的值进行比较,移步



抽象操作isRegExp接受参数argument(es type value),并且返回一个包含Boolean一个normal completion或者throw exception


  1. if argument is not an Object, return false
  2. Let matcher be ? Get(argument, %Symbol.match%).
  3. If matcher is not undefined, return (matcher).
  4. If argument has a [[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot, return true.