Regular Expression



Static Semantics: IsValidRegularExpressionLiteral(literal):

function IsValidRegularExpressionLiteral(literal) {
// 1. Let flags be the FlagText of literal.
const flags = literal.flags;
// 2. If flags contains any code points other than d, g, i, m, s, u, v, or y, or if flags contains any code point more than once, return false.
const validFlags = new Set(['d', 'g', 'i', 'm', 's', 'u', 'v', 'y']);
let flagsSet = new Set();
for (const flag of flags) {
if (!validFlags.has(flag) || flagsSet.has(flag)) return false;
// 3. If flags contains u, let u be true; else let u be false.
const u = flags.includes('u');
// 4. If flags contains v, let v be true; else let v be false.
const v = flags.includes('v');
// 5. Let patternText be the BodyText of literal.
let patternText = literal.source;
// 6. If u is false and v is false, process patternText.
if (!u && !v) {
// 6.1 Let stringValue be CodePointsToString(patternText).
const stringValue = String.fromCodePoint(...patternText);
// 6.2 Set patternText to the sequence of code points resulting from interpreting each of the 16-bit elements of stringValue as a Unicode BMP code point. UTF-16 decoding is not applied to the elements.
patternText = [...stringValue].map(char => char.codePointAt(0));
// 7. Let pattern be the ParseText(stringValue, u, v).
let parseResult;
try {
parseResult = RegExp(patternText, flags);
parseResult = true;
} catch (e) {
parseResult = false;
return parseResult;
